Baby Names
Books, Blogs & Writing
- Association for Women in Mathematics ...Leading society for women in the mathematical sciences
- Biographies of Women Mathematicians
- Carnegie STEM Girls
- Computer Wonder Women
- Engineer Girl
- Fedora Women
- Lady Science ...Focused on women in science, technology, and medicine
- Mentor Net...for women in Science
- Nobel Prize Women in Science
- Physics Girl ...Fun physics videos and other materials about physics
- She Can STEM ...Showing girls how cool science, technology, engineering, and math can be
- Society of Women Engineers ...Giving women engineers a unique place and voice within the engineering industry
- The Women's Center
- Trowel Blazers ...Highlighting the contributions of women in the ‘digging' sciences: archaeology, geology, and palaeontology
- WiDS Podcast ...Leading women in data science share their work, advice, and lessons
- WITI - International Network of Women in Technology
- Women in Computing
- Women in Mathematics
- Women in Science ...Interviews with 13 women about why they chose careers in the sciences
- Women@NASA ...Stories of women overcoming almost every obstacle imaginable to pursue their dreams and make a difference in the world
- Women at NASA ...Celebrating women who have made contributions to NASA in the related fields of science, technology, engineering, and math
- Women in Chemistry ...Celebrating women scientists and entrepreneurs
- 4000 Years of Women in Science
- A Womans Work is Never Done ...Images that illustrate many facets of American women's work, from the beginning of the American Revolution through the Industrial Revolution
- American Women
- Because of Her Story ...Amplifying women's voices to honor the past, inform the present and inspire the future
- Civil War Women
- Discovering American Women's History Online ...Collections of primary sources (photos, letters, diaries, artifacts, etc.) that document the history of women in the United States
- Encyclopedia Womannica ...Learn about different incredible women from throughout history
- History's Women ...Highlighting the extraordinary achievements of women throughout history
- How to Research the Women in Your Family Tree
- Internet Women's History Sourcebook
- National Women's History Museum
- National Women's History Project
- (The Real) Rosie the Riveter ...Rosie the Riveter is an iconic figure of labor and women's history
- Rosie the Riveter
- The History Chicks ....Our goal is to introduce you to female characters in history, factual or fictional
- Untold History of Women in Science and Technology ...Stories of personal heroes across the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math
- Votes for Women Suffrage Pictures
- War, Women & Survival ...Sometimes it takes courage to survive
- What's Her Name ...Dedicated to reclaiming forgotten history of fascinating women you've never heard of
- Woman's Building ...History, programs, projects, and the women behind the vision
- Women Airforce Service Pilots - WWII
- Women and Social Movements
- Women Come to the Front
- Women in America 1820-1842
- Women in World History
- Women Win The Vote
- Women Working 1870-1930
- Women's History
- Women in Broadcasting History
- Womens History Month ...Learn about the history of Women's History Month, read biographies of famous women, find stats and facts about women, and more
- Women's Studies
- Women in World History
Motoring & Biking
Resource Listings
Famous Women
Film & Photography
- HERmail ...International directory of women travellers
- JourneyWoman ...magazine for travelling women
- Olivia ...Unique Vacations for Women
- Women's Travel Diaries ...Diaries written by British and American women who documented their travels to places around the globe
Women (General)
- About Face...a reversal of attitude
- Advancing Women
- Always a Woman
- American Association of University Women
- Barnard Center for Research on Women
- Concerned Women for America
- Defining Her Life: Advice Books for Women
- Digital Women
- DotCom Divas
- Educating Jane
- Engaging Women ...Unlocking life tips from inspiring minds
- Female Nerd
- First Families of the US
- Gender Equality Education and The Workplace
- Gender-Related Electronic Forums...electronic forums related to women
- Gifts of Speech!...Women's Speeches
- Glasgow Women's Library
- Global Fund for Women
- Heartless Bitches International
- Her Interactive
- International Centre for Research on Women
- International Centre for Women Playwrights
- Imagining Ourselves ...A global generation of women
- International Museum of Women
- International Women's Media Foundation ...Strengthening the role of women in the news media worldwide
- Jewish Women's Archive
- Jewish Women Encyclopedia ...Sharing Stories, Inspiring Change
- Louisa's World
- Martha Stewart Living
- Military Woman
- Military Women
- Minority Women: The Untold Story
- about women
- Miss Abigail's Time Warp Advice
- Miss World
- Mommy Mentors ...Nurturing support network of women helping other women grow personally and professionally
- National Organisation for Women
- National Partnership for Women & Families
- National Women's Justice Coalition
- Office for Women
- Office on Violence Against Women
- Oxygen...a woman's view
- Rural Womyn Zone
- Scientiae ...women in science and technology
- Senior Women Web
- She Explores ...Inquisitive Women in the Outdoors and the Stories, Art, and Connection Nature Inspires
- She Knows ...Entertainment, recipes, parenting, beauty etc
- Sherry Art
- South African Women's Net ...Stop Bullying
- SPARROW ...Sound & Picture ARchives for Research On Women
- Stats & Indicators on the World's Women
- Strong Women
- The Leadership Challenge: Women in Management
- The Making of a Homemaker ...How did they handle the daunting work without the aid of microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners and carpools?
- The National Women's Hall of Fame
- The Women's Resource Project
- U of Wisc. Womens Studies
- UN Secretary-General's Database on Violence Against Women ...Result of a resolution adopted by the UN Secretary-General to eliminate all types of violence against women
- UN Women ...Dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women
- University of Iowa Women's Studies
- Unladylike 2020 ...Unsung Women Who Changed America
- Voices From the Gaps...Women Writers of Color
- Voices of Women Museum ...From women who have lived around South Africa
- Webgrrls - Women on the Web
- What Did You Do in the War, GrandMa?
- Wikigender ...Facilitating the exchange and improve the knowledge on gender-related issues around the world
- Wired Woman
- WOCN ...Women of Color Network
- Woman's Hour
- Women Active in Buddhism
- Women, Art, and Technology
- Women for Sobriety
- Women for Women
- Women Halting Online Abuse
- Women in Fisheries ...Exploring the role of women in fishing families
- Women in Greek Myths
- Women in Science and Engineering
- WomenAlsoKnowStuff ...Women Also Know Stuff. You Should Ask Them About it
- Women Oceanographers
- Women of Country
- Women of the World
- Women Online Worldwide
- Womens eNews ...Covering Women's Issues – Changing Women's Lives
- Women's Forum
- Women's History Month ...Tribute to the generations of women whose commitment to nature and the planet have proved invaluable to society
- Women's Information Service
- Women's International Center
- Women's Issues - 3rd World
- Women's Law Initiative
- Women's Network Australia
- Women's Parliamentary Radio ...Interviews with women MPs of all parties in the UK
- Women's Studies Programs
- Women's Studies Program at GWU
- Women's Studies/Women's Issues WWW Sites
- Women: The Shadow Story of the Millennium
- Womenfolk
- WomensNet
- Womens Ordination
- Work of Women