Information for Teachers
- A to Z Teacher Stuff
- A to Z Teacher Stuff Forums ...Teacher Resources, Lesson Plans, Themes, Tips, Printables, and more
- Advice from Veteran Teachers ...Collection of resources and tips for new teachers on a variety of topics, from teaching methods to assessment
- American Association of Physics Teachers ...Their primary vision is to be the leader in physics education
- BioEd Online ...biology teacher
- BrainU ...Neuroscience for teachers and their students
- Busy Teacher ...Free printable worksheets and lesson plans for teaching English
- Case Study Teaching in Science
- Catalog of Online Courses ...Free Online College Courses
- Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching ...instructional materials designed to help both novice and experienced math teachers
- Classroom Mental Health ...Designed for teachers to be a toolkit for mental health information and classroom-tested ideas
- Computer Science Teachers Association ...For K-12 teachers and students to better understand the computing disciplines and to more successfully prepare themselves to teach and learn
- Cool Cat Teacher Blog ...Teaching students with new tools, enthusiasm and belief that teaching is a noble calling
- CourseFinder ...Courses for Teachers
- Desmos ...We're on a mission to help every student learn math and love learning math
- Documentary Heaven ...Vast collection of documentaries spanning across every genre
- Documentary Mania ...Simply the best Documentaries
- dy/dan ...Innovations, ideas, and news in math teaching
- Earth & Space Science ...Essential Science for Teachers
- Ed Helper
- EdResearch Online
- Education World
- Educational Online Tools ...List of sites that are available for teachers to evaluate
- eGFI ...Engineering, Go For It - for Teachers
- eLearn Magazine
- ESL Printables ...Where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc.
- Explore Teacher's Guides ...The guides are divided into thirteen topical areas, including Mathematics, Physics and "Space Science
- Folger Shakespeare Library ...Online Resources for Teachers
- Frank Potter's Science Gems ...For students, parents, teachers, scientists, engineers and mathematicians
Jan 12 -Free Learning List ...Finding the best education resources on the internet
- Free Resources For English Teachers ...Comprehensive and all are free of charge.
- Free Teacher Resources ...High quality, engaging, relevant tools designed for today's busy teachers and parents
- Free Technology for Teachers ...Blog to share information about free resources that teachers can use in their classrooms
- Google for Educators
- Helpful Websites for New Teachers ...Loaded with helpful information that new teachers will appreciate
- History Teachers Association of Victoria
- Homeschooling
- Innovative Teaching Exchange ...maths
- Instructify ...Find useful, free technology to utilize in the classroom
- Interactive Physlets ...Demonstrate a concept in Physics through animation or interaction
- Khan Academy ...Free classroom for the World
- Lab Out Loud ...A biweekly podcast from NSTA on science teaching, science news, and anything else with “science” in it.
- Learning Math ...Five college level maths courses for teachers
- Lesson Plans for Teachers ...complete guide to online lesson plans for K-12 Teachers
- Life Science Teaching Resource ...Collection of digital resources for science educators at all levels
- Mars for Educators ...Wealth of great resources for teachers
- Math Drills ...Over 50 thousand math worksheets for teachers on a variety of math topics
- Math Lessons
- Math Science Music ...Free toolkit for teachers, bringing together the best resources in math, science and music
- Math Teacher & Student Resources ...An array of free, interactive, real-world resources
- Maths Lessons and Resources ...For math teachers teaching any age and level of students
- Mathwire ...Activities and appropriate worksheets for teachers to use in their classrooms
- MIT OpenCourseWare ...Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT
- NASA For Educators
...Providing teachers with access to high-quality classroom materials such as podcasts, lesson plans, interactive web features, and photos
- National Association of Biology Teachers ...The leader in life science education
- National Gallery of Art Classroom ...Where teachers and students can connect art and curriculum
- National Geographic - Teachers ...Resources for educators who wish to incorporate spatial knowledge, cultural geography, and a wide range of related subjects into their classrooms
- New Teacher Survival Guide ...Navigate your way through your first year of teaching
- NOVA Education
- Office of Teaching ...Support and promote the development of teaching skills
- On Teaching And Learning Mathematics ...The American Mathematical Society
- Online Education Database (OEDB) ...10,000 Free Online Classes to Learn Anything
- Open Yale Courses ...Free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale
Information for Teachers
- Oxford University: Podcasts ...Educational resource which could be used in any number of classroom settings
- Penguin Books: Teacher Guides ...Intellectually rigorous and visually attractive
- Physics ...Content tailored for teachers
- Physics for the 21st Century ...For physics teachers and students who would care to learn more about dark matter, string theory, and other topics in modern physics
- Physics Teacher Education ...A digital collection of teacher education resources, including presentations and materials from past conferences and workshops
- Physics Teacher Toolkits ...Ideal for planning standards-based, multimedia lessons and units
- Plagiarism ...Plagiarism Resources for Teachers
- PlagTracker ...Plagiarism checker
- Plagiarism Checker ...Free plagiarism detector will find plagiarized text in homework and other essays/reports
- Plagiarisma ...Free Online Plagiarism Checker
- Plagium ...Plagiarism Checker
- Psychology Teacher Resources ...sections include health psychology, statistics, clinical psychology, research methods
- ...Math quizzes for teachers and students
- Rockets Educators Guide ...Classroom activities which relate to the science and math of rocketry
- Sara VanDerWerf ...Maths related classroom activities, lesson plan ideas, teaching reflections
- Shodor Maths Lessons
- Soft Schools ...Provides free math worksheets, free math games, grammar quizzes and free phonics worksheets and games
- Study Hacks ...Looking to decode underlying patterns of success
- Super Teacher Worksheets ...Free, Printable Worksheets for Math, Spelling, English etc
- Surfaquarium
- Teaching Blogs ...Educators will find the perspectives shared here helpful and encouraging
- Teach Engineering ...Provides teacher-tested, standards-based engineering content for K-12 teachers engineering content for K12 teachers to use in science and math classrooms
- Teach-nology
- Teach With Movies ...Showing teachers how to create lesson plans using movies and film
- Teacher Guides and Lesson Plans ...Free, high-quality Teacher's Guides for more than 600 of our books
- Teacher Institute ...For science teachers, by science teachers
- Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History
- Teacher Tools
- Teacher Tools ...By Teachers for Teachers
- Teacher Tube ...Teach the world via Video
- Teacher Vision
- Teachers First
- Imaginative Teacher ...Open forum for Australian teachers to buy and sell original digital resources
- Teachers Network
- Teachers' Resources ...An array of resources to use in the classroom
- Teaching Advanced Physics ...Detailed ideas and resources for teaching physics to students aged 16–19
- Teaching & Learning ...Instruction, school environment, classroom technology, curriculum, and other aspects of school reform
- Teaching Channel ...Hundreds of videos of inspiring teachers
- Teaching Climate ..All the resources teachers need to bring the subject to life
- Teaching Engineering
- Teaching Quotes ...All about teachers, teaching, the educational system, school and students
- Teaching Tidbits Log ...Maths ideas that you could read on your smartphone or tablet on the way to class
- Teaching Tools ...From Scholastic
- The Art of Teaching the Arts ...A Workshop for High School Teachers
- The Open University ...Modern distance learning
- The Physics Front ...Find teaching resources for your physics and physical science classes
- The Physics Teacher
- The Teacher's Cafe
- The Teachers Corner
- The Universe in the Classroom ...electronic educational newsletter is for teachers and other educators
- Tools for Teaching and Learning ...Helps you use best practices in your teaching
- Top Marks ...Quickly find the best teaching resources, homework help and educational websites for use in the classroom
- Understanding Science 101 for Educators ...Helps teachers help their students become fascinated by the process of scientific discovery
- Web English Teacher
- (The Best) Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2016 ...Also links to other lists back to 2007
- Which One Doesn't Belong? ...Thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike
- Wolfram Education Portal ...You'll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more
- Worldwide Center of Mathematics ...Research-level mathematicians from the across the globe who lecture in front of live audiences
- YouTube EDU ...Videos and Channels from college and university partners
- 4 Teachers
- 5 Innovative Classroom Management Tools for Teachers ...The reality of attendance taking, lesson planning, grading and parental communications is that they're a big part of the job
- 10 Free Online Resources for Science Teachers ...Technology empowering teachers by helping them demonstrate concepts
- 35 Tools For Teachers, Tutors and Students ...Resources for learning management systems, social networking communities for students and teachers, tutoring services and more