- A Taste of Gardening ...Learn the basics of gardening
- About Flowers
- About Herbs & Botanicals
- Adam's Apples ...An amateur explores the pomaceous fruit
- Aggie Horticulture ...Lists of tips for gardening
- All About Orchids
- American Camellia Society
- American Orchid Society
- American Rhododendron Society
Dec 24 -Apple Rankings ...Providing apple advice for wealthy fruit enthusiasts
- Aquatic and Invasive Plants
- Backyard Gardener
- BBC Gardening
- Better Homes and Gardens
- Bonsai Empire ...Information about the art of growing Bonsai trees
- Botanical Accuracy ...Botanical mistakes are showcased and corrected
- Botanical Society of America ...Helpful links and resources
- Burke's Backyard
- Celebrating Wildflowers ...USA
- Chuck's Produce Talk
- Compost Resource Page
- Dan's Bonsai Homepage
- Dave's Garden
- Digital Orchid Library
- Dirt Doctor
- Drying Flowers and Foliage for Arrangements
- Entomology Australia ...Devoted to raising the profile of entomological education in Australia
- Flower Greeting Cards
- Flower Growing Guides ...Guides to 269 flowers and foliage plants
- Flower Identifier ...Browse by number of petals, color, leaf shape, plant parts, and more
- Flowers in UltaViolet
- Food Gardening Guide ...The source for information on growing your favorite vegetables, fruits, and herbs
- From the Garden
- Fruits Info ...Informative website that tells you everything about fruits
- Fungi Map ...Mapping the distribution of fungal species over time around Australia
- Garden ...Includes a Plant Finder section, special areas for Flowers and Plants and Vegetables and Fruits, plus basic information on Landscaping and Design
- Garden and Plant Links
- Garden Banter ...Gateway to the best gardening newsgroups
- Garden Based Learning
- Garden Forever
- Garden Forums
- Garden Glossary
- Garden Guides
- (The) Garden Helper
- Garden Pest Detective ...Helps you hunt down possible culprits damaging vegetables in your garden
- Garden Visit ...Garden design, landscape architecture and landscape planning
- Garden Web
- Gardener's Network
- Gardener's World ...Gardening and related topics based on the BBC programmes
- Gardening Information
- Global Compendium of Weeds ...Over 28,000 names that have been cited in specific references as weeds
- Grows on You ...For garden lovers to show off all their garden pictures and find exciting new garden ideas
- Guerilla Gardening ...Share news from the horticultural front line
- Guide to Houseplants ...How Well Do You Know Your House Plants?
- Guide to Poisonous Plants
- Guide to Storing Fruits and Veggies ...The Produce Worker's Guide
- Home & Landscape Pest Notes
- Homelovers Plants
- Hort Corner
- Horticulture & Home Pest News
- Hortsense
- House Plant Care
- How to Garden Guide ...Vegetable Gardening Tips
- How to go Organic ...Helping cultivate the growth of organic farming
- How to Plant a Tree ...If you want the tree you're planting to survive and thrive, here's what to do
- Insects
- International Bulb Society
- International Camellia Society
- International Camellia Register ...Camellia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae
- International Plant Names Index
- Internet Botany Directory
- Invasipedia ...Information on invasive plants, animals, and pathogens, and especially how to best manage them
- Invisible Gardener
- Kuromatsu Bonsai ...Articles, photos and videos
- Landscaping
- Less Lawn ...We'll help you shrink your lawn and grow your pleasure!
- Lets Grow Stuff ...Designed to help the beginning gardener learn the tools of successful vegetable and herb gardening
- List of Trees ...Actual trees located throughout the world, as well as trees from myths and trees from fiction
- Love the Garden ...Advice covering lawn care, growing, pest and weed control etc
- Magnolia Society
- Master Composter
- Mediterranean Climate Gardening
- Meet the Plants
- Moosey's Country Garden
- My First Garden ...A Guide to the world of fun and clever gardening
- National Gardening
- National Invasive Species Information Center ...International section provides specific international resources with an interest in the prevention, control, or eradication of invasive species
- National Pesticide Information Center ...US centric objective, science-based information about pesticides and pesticide-related topics
- Native Plants of North America ...Discover more than 9,000 plants native to North America
- New Southern Garden ...Part radio show, part podcast, and part gardening revolution
- Obsession with Orchids
- Orchid Hunter
- Organic Garden
- Our Rose Garden
- PAN Pesticide Database
- Parasitic Plant Collection
- Perry's Perennial Pages
- Pesticides
- PestWeb
- Plant Biology ...Advice and articles about all aspects of botany
- Plant Clinic ...Provides plant disease diagnostic services for anyone interested in plant diseases
- Plant Encyclopedia ...Find the best annual and perennial flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables, roses, and more for your garden and landscape
- Plant Explorers
- Plant Facts
- Plant Finder
- Plant Guides ...Popular Plants From A To Z
- Plant Image Collection
- Plant Information Online ...USA focussed free service of the University of Minnesota Libraries
- (The) Plant List ...Working list of all known plant species
- Plantae ...The global plant science community
- Plants Database ...Information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories
- Plants in Motion
- Plants of the World ...Browse 1,105,000 global plant names, 65,700 detailed descriptions, and 190,400 images with an initial focus on tropical Africa
- Plants Poisonous to Livestock and other Animals
- Poinsettia Pages
- Produce Worker's Guide to Choosing Fruits and Vegetables ...How to get the most out of their fruits and vegetables
- Producepedia ...Fun facts, interesting history, and nutritional information about produce
- Renegade Gardener
- Roses
- Science of Gardening
- Secret Garden
- SelecTree ...tree selection guide
- Square Foot Gardening ...How would you like a garden filled with beautiful flowers but no weeds and no hard work?
- Summer Tomato ...Offers tips and advice on healthy eating, especially for foodies in urban areas
- Tatiana's TOMATObase ...Collect and share characteristics and historical information for heirloom and open-pollinated vegetable varieties, with focus on tomatoes
- The Great Plant Escape
- The Helpful Gardener
- The Rose Resource
- Tom Clothier's Garden Walk
- Tom Volk's Fungi
- Tree Health Care
- Tropical Plant Database
- United States Botanic Garden Conservatory ...Living plant museum that informs about the importance of plants to the well-being of humans and to earth's fragile ecosystems
- Urban Agriculture Notes
- Vegetable Disease Page
- Vegetable Gardening ...Get the Dirt on Vegetable Gardening
- Vegetable Gardening
- Veggie Gardening Tips ...Tips for growing vegetables, fruit, and herb gardens
- Victory Garden
- Watch Your Garden Grow ...veggies
- Weed Science
- Weekend Gardener
- What Tree Is It ?
- World Federation of Rose Societies ...Association of the national Rose Societies of 39 countries
- World Flora Online ...Working toward building a free online database of the world's plant species – all 350,000 of them
- World of Weeds
- Yard Care
- Yates Garden Guide
- Youth Gardening ...Activities to try at home or school