Australian Genealogy
- Family Search
- Family Tree Magazine
- Family Tree Webinars ...Genealogy Education
- Find My Past ...British genealogy
- First Names and What They Mean
- Forebears ...Find out the origin and distribution of your ancestor's surnames
- Freedmen's Bureau
- Gena's Genealogy ...Dedicated to women's history/genealogy
- Genealogists/Family Historians ...American National Archives offers insight into the lives of people, their families and history
- Genealogy
- Genealogy Bank ...Genealogy Blog
- Genealogy Blog ...Build Your Online Family Tree, Share Your Family History and Enhance Your Genealogy Research
- GenealogyInTime ...Variety of tools, resources and articles to help you connect with your ancestors
- Genealogylinks
- Genealogy Roots Blog
- Genealogy SF
- Genealogy Site Finder
- Genealogy's Star ...Some people eat, sleep and chew gum, I do genealogy and write...
- GeneaNet
- Gen UKI ...UK & Ireland
- Geni ...create your family tree
- German Roots - German Genealogy ...Resources for German Genealogy on the Internet
- Hebridean Connections
- How To Begin Tracing Your Family Tree
- How to Locate Maiden Names
- Irish Genealogy ...Home to the historic records of Births, Marriages and Deaths of the General Register Office
- Israel Genealogy Research Association ...Wide variety of material from the Ottoman period through the early years of Israeli Statehood
- Legacy 3.0 Family Tree
- Looking For a Person? ...UK National Archives
- Many Roads ...Genealogy Sites Search
- Mathematics Genealogy Project ...Compiling information about ALL the mathematicians of the world
- Mocavo ...Mocavo is the world's first and largest genealogy search engine
- My Heritage ...Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love
- My Heritage Supersearch ...Search billions of records on MyHeritage
- My Trees ...genealogy
- Names ...What can you learn about your name?
- National Archives of Ireland ...Genealogy, Census Records, Tithe Applotment Books etc
- National Genealogical Society
- Obituary Daily Times
- Old Scottish ...Genealogy & Family History
- Polish Roots
- ProGenealogists
- Roots Web
- Scottish Emigration Database ...records of over 21,000 passengers who embarked at Glasgow and Greenock
- Search Online Ancestors ...Find free ancestry search resources using the same methods professional genealogists' use in their online ancestry search
- SnapRoots ...Focus on your genealogy one ancestor at a time
- SurnameDB ...Free database of almost 50,000 surnames on the history and meaning of family last names
- Tangled Roots
- The Ancestry Insider ...The unofficial, unauthorized view of and
- The Etymology of First Names
- UK Census ...Census records for England and Wales from 1841 to 1911
- Vita Brevis ...Blog of the New England Historic Genealogical Society
- World GenWeb