Funny Sites & Jokes
- A Little Levity
- A Sampling of Chinglish ...English-language signs and menus with malapropisms
- Abbott & Costello ...Memorabilia, including scripts of famous comedy routines
- All Too Flat
- (The) American Comedy Archives ...Includes manuscripts, photographs, video and film materials, and an oral history collection
- Answering Machine Messsages LIST
- Awkward Family Photos ...A friendly place where everyone can share their uncomfortable family photos
- Bart Simpson's Blackboard ...Archive of Bart Simpson's Blackboard Writings
- Beatrice Santorini, Linguistic humor ...If you don't get it, you don't get it
- Best Fishing Jokes
- Blondie Gets Married
- British Cartoon Archive
- Cartoon Network
- Cartoons
- Chinglish
- Classroom Humour
- Clumsy Crooks
- Comics Price Guide
- Computer Stupidities
- Cookie
- Cover Browser
- CSS Puns ...Handpicked collection of CSS Puns & Jokes
- Dad Jokes ...Terrible Dad Jokes to Share With Your Kids
- Daryl Cagle Professional Cartoonist
- Dilbert
- Dr. Bernie's fRIDAY fUNNIES
- Dubya Speak
- Editorial Cartoons
- Elliot Goblet
- Engrish
- Fail Blog Wins ...Humorous signs and photos
- Footrot Flats
- Friday Fun
- Fun People Archive
- Funny Jokes ...and stuff
- Garfield
- Go Comics
- Golden Age Cartoons
- Grinning Planet
- Heckle Depot
- Humor Gazette
- Humor Search
- Hunkins Experiments
- In Passing
- Institute of Official Cheer
- Instrument Jokes
- Internet Bumper Stickers
- Jacob Richman's Humor Pages
- Jerry Seinfeld ...Personal archives
- Joe Besser Collection ...Once a Stooge, Always a Stooge
- Joe Lavin's Humor Column
- Jokes and Science
- Jokes Galore! ...Collection of jokes, humorous observations, and trivia
- Jokes Clean ...Funny Clean Jokes and Downright Good Humor
- Kids Jokes ...Knock knock, scary, and silly jokes, and much more funny humor just for kids
- King Features...comics
- Laughter is the Best Medicine
- Li'l Abner
- Luci-Desi Museum ...Preserving their memory through costumes and memorabilia, awards, photographs of both their personal and TV lives
- MadKane
- Make Google Laugh
- Modern Humorist Best
- Monty Python's Completely Useless Site
- Mother of All Excuses Place
- Musician Jokes
- National Comedy Center ...State-of-the-art museum in Jamestown, New York that is a destination for the celebration of comedy
- Off the Mark Cartoons
- OhNoRobot ...webcomic search
- Paraprosdokians ...200 Funny One Liners
- Patently Absurd
- Philosophical Humor
- Phyllis Diller Gag File ...Including "The Gag File" and "Looking the Part", which explore different facets of Diller's work and on-stage persona
- Pilkey's Web Site O' Fun
- Political Irony ...Humor and Hypocrisy from the World of Politics
- Political Memes ...Jokes, cartoons, and satire
- Pop-up Potpourri ...humorous computer-generated error messages
- Pun Me ...Funny Puns
- Pun of the Day
- Punch Cartoons
- Quirkology
- Rainbow Humor Page
- Reader's Digest Jokes ...105 Short Jokes Anyone Can Remember
- Rec.Humor.Funny
- Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders ...Why should only recruiting managers get to laugh at these?
- Road Signs
- Sales Horror Stories
- Science Cartoons Plus ...Sampling of S. Harris cartoons
- Science Jokes ...chemistry is most popular, followed by mathematics, pranks and physics
- Self Reference Jokes ...I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure
- Sound Busy
- Sticker Giant
- TechTales
- The Best Jokes ...Daily portion of jokes. New jokes every day
- The Chronicles of George
- The Comics Curmudgeon
- The Daily Howler
- The Darwin Awards
- The Far Side ...Selections of classic The Far Side comics, updated daily
- The Funny Times
- The Good, Clean Funnies List Archive
- The Grand Comic-Book Database
- The MIT Gallery of Hacks
- The Slip-up Archive
- Things People Said
- tickld ...Aims to humor, surprise and delight you with our daily content
- Toonopedia
- Top 10 Classic Internet Jokes
- Top 10 YouTube News Bloopers ...Hapless anchors, roving reporters and weatherpeople
- Totally Absurd Patents & Inventions
- True News Digest
- Turkey City Lexicon
- What I SHOULD Have Said
- wu:riddles ...Puzzles that will demand you think in creative ways you perhaps normally would not
- 50 Greatest Cartoons
- 100 Top Cartoon Sites