Issue 1/2021 - Jan 10, 2021
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The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump
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Kids Invent Stuff
...Where 4-11 year olds have the chance to get their invention ideas built by real engineers
...Non-keyboard characters
Music Map
...Providing the ultimate genealogy of popular music genres
The Atlas of Moons
...Over 200 Moons in our Solar System
Websters 1913
...Connoisseur's reference to American English - a dictionary for writers and wordsmiths
Discover Egypt's Monuments
...Virtual trip through Alexandria, Aswan, Cairo, Giza, Luxor etc
This vs That
...What is the difference between this & that?
Wow Science
...Searching out the best primary science activities
Let's Go Live!
...Stay curious - family-friendly science and education videos
Ask Nature
...Create nature-inspired solutions for a healthy planet
Book Club for Kids
...Free, 20-minute podcast devoted to middle grade books and readers
Forms Design
...Best practice, research insights and examples
Science Sparks
...Bursting with easy science experiments for kids of all ages
Story Online
...Award-winning children’s literacy website
...Created to make pronouns that feel like home
Portal to the Heritage of Astronomy
...Relating to the practice of astronomy and to social uses and representations of astronomy
...Free Fonts to download for both personal and commercial use
Endangered Species
...General education on endangered species
Aboriginal History of Yarra
...Explores the relationships between the Traditional Owners and Settlers through the early years of Melbourne’s establishment