Issue 15 - May 11, 2009
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Beyond the Black Stump Blog
Sifting thru Cyberspace 4U - many more new sites of interest, updated daily!
World Digital Library
Significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world
Look who's tweeting
A multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator
Blue Screen of Death Survival Guide
Suddenly, Windows freezes completely. All your work is gone, and you find a blue screen full of gibberish
The Kitchn
For people who like to get their hands dirty while they cook
Indian Baby Names
Comprehensive collection of over 22000 Indian Baby Names
Freeware Downloads - Tools
Lots of interesting and useful freeware tools
The Browser Benchmark
Music Artist Cloud
Creates recommendation clouds of new artists based on the music you already enjoy
How to Avoid Spyware
Spyware is software that resides on a computer and sends information to its creator
How Not To Get Hooked by a Phishing Scam
Women, Power and Politics
Welcome to a world where women rule
TV Online
Watch live on your computer over 3000 live tv stations from all over the world
Repository of lectures on global health and prevention
Physics for Humanists
Intended for those who are intellectually and emotionally curious but do not intend to specialize in the natural sciences
Fashioning Felt
Presents an extraordinary range of felt
Where savvy shoppers start
Daily Deals
One of Australia's leading Direct Shopping Retailers
The best deals, freebies and vouchers in Australia
ID Theft Awareness
Important advice that every consumer should know about protecting themselves from the damages of fraud